New DBKL rule sets time limit on home renovations | NEWS

KUALA LUMPUR: House owners here who wish to renovate their homes have to complete the work within a year of the date the renovation plan is

 24 Jun 2024
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Get approval for renovations or face hassles when selling house | NEWS

MANY homeowners are not aware that failure to obtain the local authority’s approval to carry out home modification can spell disaster when

 24 Jun 2024
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Council to crack down on illegal home renovations | NEWS

LEGAL action will be taken against owners of low and medium-cost flats in Johor Baru for putting up illegal structures or carrying out illegal

 24 Jun 2024
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扩建装修没申请准证 会被罚款吗? | NEWS




 26 Jun 2023
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邻居装修影响结构出裂缝 夫妇入禀高庭判胜诉 | NEWS




 26 Jun 2023
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